Thursday, September 9, 2010

Shop-Shopping ;D

Just a small, quick post to fill time. :)

I went to Marshalls on Friday or something just to return a pair of jeans.

But of course I had to buy something. :D

Flash / / / No Flash
Shoes, a cute no brand half and half shirt, and travel size make up brushes.

I already wore the shirt, and I got a lot of compliments on it. However, the shoes kill my feet. D: So, they're more than likely will be returned.

My feet are still sore. :(
Today, in 2nd period, my drama teacher decided to show a documentary of 9/11 instead of working. It was a standard run of the mill documentary, which is my favorite kind. During the documentary, people in class were angry and saying things like: "Why didn't they get a jet up there and do something!?!" "Why did security let them by with knives?"

Well, no one really put the pieces together than it was an organized attack until afterward, when the damage was already done. The whole "do something while they're up there" is STUPID, because what could they have done, had they known it was a hijacking?? Maybe shoot it down, killing everyone on board, which probably would have been done IF it had been known what was about to happen.

A lot of people don't realize the planes were all up in the air around the same time. Not an hour apart, if I remember correctly. The airport security thing did rise an eyebrow. What the fuck, knives were legal? WHAT THE FUCK, they let one of the guys on with no photo ID??

Jesus, it burns me up. I travel a *LOT* so to compare things to how they were to how they are now, I am appalled. Just, simply stunned. Fucking children have to have some sort of ID nowadays. I think what got to me the most was seeing people falling out of the burning building.

We didn't even get to the part where the buildings fall down...

God. I always get the shivers when I'm on a plane. It may be me and my extreme paranoia, but sometimes...

Erm. Well. I don't have much else to say. School tires me out so bad I don't feel like doing any FOTDs. D:

Oh, but my lenses from Shara should be soon! I know this is like the 4th time I've said so, but all these delays and whatnot. D:


1 comment:

  1. Amazing shoes! But more importantly, I love your opinion on what happened during 9/11. It's sad how people, especially those our age and younger, think it's so easy to stop terrorist attacks. I discovered you through Hana of Finding Tokyo; hope to read more from you soon. ♥
